You understand how to make money. I know how to communicate with a variety of people.
You'll be almost finished with the brand model if you can tell me why you created your product, who you're looking for to buy it, and how you're different from others. There's not much left.
First, we'll need to tell you everything you know and love in a concise manner. Otherwise, no one will have the patience to understand what you're proposing. We'll formulate your company's values this way, using the key message of your brand. Almost always, it's a single, straightforward sentence.
Second, we'll figure out how to communicate to all of your employees and suppliers what will be common to all of your brand's discourse. Why will it stick to itself from your signboard to your Instagram account?
In your brand model, we'll go over everything that takes to make a brand.
Third, we'll need to figure out how to bring everything to life so that it doesn't end up on the slides.
A creative brief will assist us in this situation. A document that outlines all of your contractors' communication goals and principles.
We will not only describe but also enliven your brand.